It was a golden period of my life. But the golden period passed away like a happy dream. The 15th of February, , was my last day at school. It was a day of mixed joy and sorrow. We were happy because we were going to be free from the strict discipline of the school. We were sad because we were going to part from our teachers and friends. On that day were given preparatory holidays. No teaching · Words Short Essay on My Last Day at School By Ankita on August 21, in How to Write Essay Tears trickle down my cheeks as I remember my last day in my school. It was the day of parting and parting in life is painful. It was the last chapter of the glorious book of my student life. I had been a student in my school for ten years · My Last Day at School Essay: FAREWELL Speech for Students November 27, by admin We take you through My Last Day at School Essay for students of class 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 & 12th. Also included the best Farewell Speech, it will students to prepare their speech when they are promoted to the higher class
My Last Day at School Essay: FAREWELL Speech for Students
My last my last day at school short essay at school. Saturday, the 20 th Feb, was my last day at School. On that day we were given preparatory holidays for the Secondary school Examination. The students of class IX arranged a farewell party in honor of the outgoing students of class X. The school compound was covered with a beautiful shamiana.
It was tastefully decorated with buntings and balloons. A stage was set up for speeches and cultural programmed. Under the shamiana, tables and seats were arranged for the students and teachers.
The school loudspeaker was filling the atmosphere with the tunes of moving, patriotic film songs. Students of class X, who were dressed in their best, assembled first of all, in the school garden, my last day at school short essay. Then we walked up to the school compound, the venue of the Farewell Party.
As we entered the compo, the students of class IX welcomed us with cheers. They garlanded us all. We, in turn, garlanded our Principal who always treated us like his own children and the teachers who spared no pains in preparing us for the final examination We took our seats and the programmed started. Our Principal, shri R.
Goel presided over the function. First of all, the representative of class IX read out the farewell address. I replied to this address on behalf of the students of class X.
I thanked the students of class IX for arranging a grand party. I advised them to try to keep the good traditions of the school in the fields of games, cultural activities and studies.
I then, expressed my sense of gratitude to our Principal and teachers who were always kind and nice to us. After this, Manjit, Prem Kant my last day at school short essay Party gave us a group song, It was a farewell song and was composed by our Hindi teacher, Sh. All eyes were wet with tears. Our English teacher, Sh, my last day at school short essay. Saxena, advised us to who is a great scholar and fine speaker, conveyed to us his best wishes and advised us to reach the examination hall well in time.
He also told us the method of answering questions in different subjects. After the speeches were over, we were served with hot tea, samosas, Barry and fruit. Teachers went round to supervise the arrangement and service done by the student so class IX. This brought the function to an end. I bade farewell to my school and went home. I shall always remember my last day at school. Essay No. My Last Day At School. We have joys and sorrows in life.
Birth day give us happiness while last day gives us a feeling of sorrow. We have to leave that place. It is a custom in our school that 11 th class students bid — farewell to the 12 th class. They make the parting day attractive. They arrange a parting feast.
This year, 20 th February, was my last day at school. The school bell rang as usual. The 11 th class boys were sad. After the first period the teachers and the students of both classes met in the school hall. The principal and the teachers sat in the chairs. We, the studentsmy last day at school short essay, took our seats on the chairs.
The function was started by the students of eleventh class. They read poems. They sang songs. They made speeches suited to the occasion. Every part of the programme was about the outgoing class. Then our class incharge rose up. He made a speech which moved our hearts. He told us that we would soon enter the field of life. Our care- free life would end. Soon after we got our school certificates.
After passing this examination we would have to face hard realities of life. He advised us to set an aim of our life and try to achieve it with fair means. Last of all the Principal rose from his seat. There were clapping on all sides. He made a brief speech. He said that the good of the schoolthat we were leaving for good, should be at the heart of every students. it was the school and its teachers that had prepared us for the struggle of life.
He explained in detail, the advantages of simple living and high thinking. He wished us all a successful life. Then our monitor thanked the Principal, the teachers and the 11th class students for their good wishes.
He promised on behalf of his class fellows that they would keep in mind the lessons taught by the teachers. He assured the Principal and the teachers that they would never forget their school and worthy teachers. He promised to remove ignorance from villages. After these speeches the grand tea- party took place. Fruits and sweets were served in great quantities. We ate them to our fill. There was a lot of fun. This was the last item of the function.
We left the school with feelings of joy and sorrow. We were sorry to miss the teachers. We had a feeling of sorrow because we were leaving the class fellow as well as our junior companions. All were wishing for our better future, my last day at school short essay.
It was a memorable day. My Last Day at School. The last day at school comes on the conclusion of the academic year of the 12 th class. Before the start of examinations students of this class are given a farewell party by the next lower class. Since such functions are an annual affair, some solemnity is attached to them and students as well as teachers take part in it. My last day at school marked by more or less the same feelings.
It my last day at school short essay on the 28 th of Feb. The school hall was decorated. A platform was raised and chairs arranged in many rows. Teachers s tint he front row and since I had been the monitor of my last day at school short essay class I was also given a place in the first row. Soon the hall was full. The occasion was highly emotional. All the outgoing students looked very serious.
Everyone seemed to be missing the school days on the one hand and looking forwards into the unknown land of future, all uncertain and vague. No doubt the new life, that is, college life, seemed more glamourous ahead of us but taking the responsibilities of new life seemed more difficult. The Principal Presided over the my last day at school short essay. Since the examinations were at hand so we could hardly lose any item in making long speeches and unnecessary formalities.
The Principal spoke for ten minutes. He recalled the years long association of the outgoing class with the rest of the school and exhorted other class to follow the example of our class in the best traditions of the school.
There was a tea party. The students of the 11 th class were host to it. I was told to speak a few words other, which I did.
Essay on My last day at school
, time: 2:37
· My Last Day at School Essay: FAREWELL Speech for Students November 27, by admin We take you through My Last Day at School Essay for students of class 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 & 12th. Also included the best Farewell Speech, it will students to prepare their speech when they are promoted to the higher class · Words Short Essay on My Last Day at School By Ankita on August 21, in How to Write Essay Tears trickle down my cheeks as I remember my last day in my school. It was the day of parting and parting in life is painful. It was the last chapter of the glorious book of my student life. I had been a student in my school for ten years · Essay No. 2. My Last Day At School. We have joys and sorrows in life. Birth day give us happiness while last day gives us a feeling of sorrow. We have to leave that place. It is a custom in our school that 11 th class students bid – farewell to the 12 th class. They make the parting day attractive. They arrange a parting feast. This year, 20 th February, was my last day at school. The school bell
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