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Coalition Application Essay Sample On Being A Teenager
NO JAMB LOW FEES. Registration In Progress. Call NOW! Download JAMB CBT Software Now for FREE! As you are sure to have heard, starting from last year, a new method of applying for college, called the coalition application process was launched. In this article, we will introduce you to a relatively new admissions platform, the Coalition Application, and also some of the coalition essay examples.
The Coalition Application was created by a group of college administrators as an alternative to the more widely used Common Application. The application cycle is the third full cycle in which the Coalition Application is available.
Many colleges ask their applicants for the same basic information: your name and address, the classes you took in high school, your GPAcoalition app essay examples, and your test score.
The Coalition Application, like the Common Applicationoffers you the chance to enter all that information into a single platform without having to re-enter it for each new school that you apply for. One of the unique features of the Coalition Application is its Locker system. The Locker is an online storage space that allows you to collect and organize your application materials.
These materials might include traditional essays and letters of recommendationbut they also might include audio files where you show off your saxophone playing skills or a high-resolution image of your latest experiment in watercolor portraiture. When you sit down to start writing your essays, it is a good idea to look at the essay requirements for all of the schools on your school list together, coalition app essay examples. Some of your target coalition app essay examples might just want you to respond to one of the prompts from the Coalition Application.
Other schools might want you to write an additional essay that is specific to that school. And still, other schools might be using the Common Application instead of the Coalition Application. After you figure out which schools require which essays, you can settle on coalition app essay examples exact number of original essays that you will actually need to write, coalition app essay examples.
With some careful planning, you can minimize the number of essays you will need to write and give yourself more time to produce high-quality work. After you have looked at all the essays that you need to write for all your target schools, you should start looking at the collection of essays that you will need to write for each individual school, coalition app essay examples.
Between the Coalition and the supplementary essayssome schools might want two, or three, coalition app essay examples, or even coalition app essay examples essays from their applications, coalition app essay examples. Ideally, each essay will help the admissions committee learn something new about you that they would not be able to get from looking at your test scores and grades.
A common theme holds these essays together your interest in and connection to cultures that reach across national boundariesbut the focus of each essay is distinct.
The Coalition Application suggests that your responses be between and words. However, some individual schools have specific word count limits that are higher or lower. The first coalition app essay examples to notice about this prompt is how it encourages you to do something that you should be doing in all your essays.
These are qualities that we generally believe people have only after we have observed their actions. The admissions committee, coalition app essay examples, however, cannot see how you interact with your friends, family, and co-workers, so the best you can do is give them a story that helps them imagine what kind of person you are, coalition app essay examples.
For example, if you want the admissions committee to know that you are exceptional at thinking quickly to solve problems, you should share a story about a time where you actually did that. Maybe you were trying to hold a car wash fundraiser for the chorus in front of your school, but the water happened to be cut off that day, so you had to think quickly and convince the restaurant across the street to let you hold the car wash in their parking lot.
Maybe you were able to convince the restaurant manager that a car wash might attract business, and you can talk about how the other members of your chorus helped you make a plan for effectively managing traffic.
After all, you seem to have fabricated the example about the car wash out of thin air. Recount a time when you faced a challenge, setback, or failure. How did it affect you, and what did you learn from the experience? If this sounds like you, coalition app essay examples, then please share your story.
This prompt offers you a way to address a common suspicion among admissions officers: the ever-growing activity lists that students use to pad resumes in an increasingly competitive college admissions game. But there is an added challenge with this prompt. You want to speak with humility and maturity about the extent of your contributions and the challenges you encountered. A canned food drive may be a perfectly fine thing to do, but there are shades of distinction between doing charity work that makes the givers feel good as they add a line on their CV coalition app essay examples entering into the sustained local partnerships that make meaningful contributions to the common good.
If you worked with your local food bank, you might write about how you started helping unload bread deliveries from a bakery, and about how you learned to repair one of the freezers when it broke down.
If you are involved with an organization that is working for the greater good, the challenges you are collaborating to face are probably long standing. There are certainly small victories that you might eek out. Maybe you played a role in convincing a new grocery store to contribute more fresh produce during the winter. Finally, maybe you have not done a significant amount of traditional service work.
That does not mean you cannot offer a good answer to this question. Maybe you have spent a lot of time providing care for a sick relative, or you quit the high school soccer team because you needed to babysit your little brother when your mom had to take an evening shift.
Given the current, politically-charged atmosphere in the United States, this prompt has the potential to elicit the most controversial — but also the most interesting — response. This is a troubling finding for many educators because it suggests that our beliefs cannot be changed by reasoned debate and that when confronted with different perspectives, we retreat to our own tribal perspectives.
This essay gives you a chance to explore that problem. When responding to this question, one thing that you should recognize is that you do not have to be telling a story coalition app essay examples how you suddenly changed your mind about an issue you care about, coalition app essay examples. Even in the space of words, you can talk with nuance about how you moved from one side of an issue to another, weaving back and forth as you accumulate new perspectives.
To take a particularly controversial example, consider the case of your beliefs about abortion. Maybe you believe that women should have the right to secure a safe and legal abortion, but you began to reconsider your position after coalition app essay examples learned a little bit of science.
And yet, even after having accepted that life begins at conception, you are still convinced that when women do not have access to safe and legal abortions, it creates economic disadvantages for them.
We offer the above example in order to suggest that it is actually okay to take on difficult coalition app essay examples in coalition app essay examples admissions essays. When coalition app essay examples go to college, you will be exploring difficult questions all the time. You might talk about how issues that affect many different populations affect teenagers in particular. For example, what effect is the opioid epidemic having on your high school?
On another, more positive note, maybe there is something that is particularly great about being a teenager now. One of the particular challenges of this prompt is that it seems to be asking three separate questions at once: the hardest thing about being a teenager, the best thing about being a teenager, and advice you would give to a younger person.
To write a coherent response, coalition app essay examples, you will need to make the three parts of this essay work together. In addition to the problems that image picture-sharing platforms might create, maybe they also offer young people new ways to find friends in far-flung places. The social media sites that open up new potentials for bullying might also allow young LGBTQ to connect with each other and find support communities that might otherwise have been beyond their reach, coalition app essay examples.
In reflecting on the challenges and possibilities that new communication technologies afford, you can move to offer some advice to your younger cousin about how to navigate these spaces safely and thoughtfully.
One final note: Maybe you are a non-traditional student who is, in fact, not a teenager when you are applying to college. Indeed, maybe you are in your 30s and already have a child who is on their way to becoming a teenager.
It is perfectly acceptable to simply submit that essay with a few minor tweaks. Just remember that you will either need to include the original prompt in your response, or you will need to make sure that your essay will make sense to your reader even if they do not have the prompt to serve as a mini-introduction. The above are some coalition essay examples. Do well to read and understand them. Also, feel free to ask your questions regarding this topic in the comment box below.
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One of the most important parts of the coalition application process is completing the essay prompts. These prompts are questions that you have to answer in the form of an essay. The main aim of these essay prompts is to see the character of the applicant and to see whether or not their characteristics align well with the values the college holds in high regards Expert essay Coalition App Essay Examples writers: Individuals who are expert in their individual fields and know what they are doing. Customer support all-time availability: Our customer support representatives are available 24/7 for your help, be it night or day/10() · A Few Great Coalition Application Example Essays Allow Yourself to Feel. At Forefront’s Day of Hope Conference, this was the keynote speaker’s wisdom for processing Chinese 3D Beading. A few years ago I grew interested in Chinese 3D beading. Beading requires that I
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